How to Photograph Wild Barn Owls

This week I attempt to photograph wild barn owls. This video is actually the accumulation of at least ten sessions at the same site. The owls here have been very erratic making it difficult to anticipate there movements and figure out the best time to catch them out hunting. Find out how I get on in this weeks barn owl video.

My stalking techniques to get close to animals

Perhaps my favourite method for getting images of wildlife is stalking. In this video I explain the techniques i use to not only get close to wildlife but also to take images. The satisfaction of getting close to a wild animal without it knowing you are there, taking images and then slipping away is the ultimate wildlife photography high.

So You Want To Be A Wildlife Photographer Part 2

This weeks Youtube video is now live. This is the second in my series called So you want to be a Wildlife Photographer. This week I take a closer look at setting up a bird feeding station at home and start to take some images with my entry level setup of Nikon D3200 and Tamron 70-300 lens. As always like and subscribe to follow along with the series.

Photographing Scottish Dippers

Ok, for a photographer family holidays can be quite challenging! You know the sort of thing, you got to a beautiful place packed with wildlife and wonderful landscapes and if you had your way you’d disappear for eight hours at a time into the hills and mountains. It can be difficult to remember this is a family holiday right?

I am often faced with this situation and over the years I have learnt to compromise and still manage to get some photography done as well as keeping everyone else happy. In this video I quickly scout out the area and decide what’s attainable in the time available and head off to shoot dippers. This wonderful little bird only two hundred metres from the cottage. As always please like and subscribe!

Photographing Wild Birds

This weeks Youtube video is now live. This week I start on a little bit of a journey to try and master bird photography. As a wildlife photographer for over fifteen years this is an area I have very much neglected and an area I am desperate to improve in. So for this first episode I look at my current kit and probably chase some tricky birds around! Please like, subscribe and share.👍

Five Wildlife Photography Tips

My new video is now live on Youtube. After a particularly hard week for photography culminating in a six hour blizzard strewn session on Bleaklow in Derbyshire , I put together five tips that I think will help any budding wildlife photographer and realise it’s actually Ok to fail now and then!